Thursday, May 13, 2010

Sunny Day Gardening

Yesterday the weather was beautiful! So me n' Ez went outside and hung out and gardened in the sunshine! I even ended up with a little early season color! :) Ez pretty much just layed around in his pack n' play, while I worked away.

I prepped the new 6" deep bed, took the tarp off that had been warming the soil up, and mixed in 1 trowel of compost/square. Then I transplanted the tomato plant, that I had brought in to nurse back to health, in that garden. Also planted a few potatoes, dark purple and yellow.

Watered the deep bed, and cleaned up the veggies, by pinching off unhealthy leaves and debris. I use a bucket of water that is warmed by the sun, and and old gatorade bottle, this way I'm using the least amount of water necessary, and the water goes straight to the roots, and not all over the garden. (Got the idea from Square Food Gardening by Mel Bartholomew)

I had a few pretty ceramic pots that I wanted to use to transplant an indoor pepper plant, and a few other things. So I got out the powerdrill, and used a small drill bit to drill pilot whole into the over turned pot. Then used a larger bit, progressively, until the hole were the right size. I also poured a little water on the holes as I was drilling to keep it cool. Worked pretty well. Not as hard as I thought it would be.

Then I went inside and transplanted my Mint seedlings to larger yogurt cups, from the egg carton I had started them in.

I chose the strongest looking 6, out of the 12, and tossed the others. Then in the carton I started:

Summer Squash- seedlings in 10-14 days
Pickle bush Cucumber- seedlings in 7-14 days
Oregano- 10-21 days
Parsley- 14-21 days
Cilantro- 14-21 days
Sweet Basil- 7-14 days
Cantaloup- (in yogurt cups) Seedlings to transplant in 4 weeks.

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