Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Long time, no post!

Wow, I haven't posted here in years! A lot has happening around here since posting last, we now have 2 little boys! 5 years old and almost 3. We've relocated our raised beds to another area of our yard. And had put gardening on the back burner since our little one was an "eat everything with in reach and sight" kind of kid. But both of them are now a great help and love being out in the yard. 

Also...drum roll please...

We've added 6 chickens to our family! They are now 8 weeks old, and living in their coop full time! I'll be creating a few different posts, probably one garden related, one strictly chicken and one all about the coop! Excited to be back at it! 

Here's Toad, a little longer in tooth than she was in our previous postings, and a few of our chicks enjoying the sunlight!